With over 500 million active users, Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media platforms and they are continuing to add new features that give users the ability to expand their reach with more great content and stories for their followers. With photos being the central focus on Instagram, many photographers have naturally gravitated to it for promoting their work and stories.
Winter sports, like skiing and snowboarding, have attracted photographers who dedicate the whole snow season to capturing shots of their adventures in the mountains, professional athletes doing awesome tricks, and incredible landscapes with skiers and snowboarders as part of the scene. Average winter enthusiasts like me, who enjoy great photography as well, are one of the thousands of followers taking in the entertaining, beautiful content these photographers are producing.
Ski and Snowboard Photographers on Instagram
Here is a short list of ski and snowboard photographers that you should follow on Instagram. Their inspiring photos and stories, even in subjects outside of the mountains and snow, will inspire you to get outside and shoot more.