Photograph Tim Dunk is an internationally acclaimed photographer, educator and remote photography innovator, in Leeds, UK. During the Covid lockdown of 2020-2021, Tim didn’t allow the limitations of social distancing to hold back his creativity. Instead, Tim used Facetime technology to connect and photograph his clients. The results are stunning and inspiring, as you’ll see from the collection below. You can find more of Tim’s work on his website,
Tim Dunk Interview
What inspired you to create these photos?
Mostly boredom haha, I was losing my mind in the first lockdown, and on a FaceTime call with my 8 year old daughter she was taking photos of me – so basically it was her idea!!
What is the biggest challenge in the creation of these photos?
It was always how to get the subject to position their phone correctly, I solved this and that was really the game changer! The amazing hack is in my guide to shooting through FaceTime.
Do you have a favorite photo from the series? If so, what is it and why?
I honestly couldn’t pick, I’ve done around 900 shoots this way and I love them all for different reasons!
For photographers looking to create impactful images like this, could you share your process of coming up with your concepts and ideas?
Start with the light, then just be playful!
What are you currently working on? What’s next?
Still keeping super busy with these shoots, including some really cool commercial commissions. Shot a lookbook for Reebok in Florida the other day, from my studio in Leeds UK. Mind blowing really!
Connect with Tim Dunk
At the forefront of the new possibilities opened up by current technology, Tim has shot remotely all over the world for magazines, brands, and individuals. For commercial enquiries please contact my agent LPA,
Editor’s Conclusion
Tim’s work is proof that creativity will always find a way to survive and thrive in the world. It’s also proof that photography is not about gear and gadgets, but about creativity, purpose, story and emotion. Facetime Photoshoots, while born in the time of a global pandemic, illustrate valuable lessons for all creatives.