Today we would like to introduce you to the beautiful photography of Olga Tremblay. Olga invited us to check out her portfolio of work a few weeks back and we fell in love with it. Olga talks about herself and her work below.
I always loved visual arts, especially photography, but the process to take a picture up to the final result didn’t interest me much because in my mind it was more associated to technical skills rather than creative skills. It was by accident I came to photography.
I was in a very difficult period of my life causing me stress, insomnia and health problems. Following a good friend’s suggestion, I tried meditation to focus on present time and to connect with my environment. The idea of meditation was great, but it was very abstract for me and I wasn’t able to understand how. Then I began to take long walks to explore my neighborhood. One day, I carried a camera I had bought a few months before. It was more to justify my recent buy than anything else, but then I realized it had similar effects as meditation and much more… I discovered a passion!
At first, my camera helped me to concentrate on the moment and it was a way to transform tension in a state of concentration and attention. During outings with the camera, I was noticing details I had never seen before: light, shadows, textures, colors, shapes and people’s expressions around me. This concentration was leading me to a quiet and peaceful state of mind.
After exploring many technical aspects of photography in specialized books, I quickly discovered the importance to get inspiration from other photographers and to share and show my work. Sharing my pictures was important for the feedback and encouragement people gave me. Photography became an important part of my life. I love the unpredictability of the situations I capture and the state of mind it gives me. It makes me feel fully alive and awake.
You can see more of Olga’s beautiful photography on Flickr here