A photographer as a creator can find inspiration everywhere – in nature, everyday routine work, conversation to the friends, or browsing the web. Twitter is a great source of inspiration when it comes to sharing information of any kind and connecting to the people from all over the world.
Twitter allows you to send a short 140-character message to anyone you want ranging from a girl living next door to a rock star whose poster you keep on the wall. The limitation in number of characters makes you keep your messages simple. Simple is good sometimes.
Today I’d like to share with you 20 Twitter accounts of professional photographers worthy to follow. If you would like to suggest other photographers worthy to follow, please leave them in the comments below.
1. Chase Jarvis – @chasejarvis
Chase Jarvis is a Seattle-based professional photographer, director, and artists. He is the youngest person to be named Hasselblad Master, Nikon Master, and ASMP Master. On Twitter he shares first-hand photography tips and tricks. (243,535 followers)
2. Ken Kaminesky – @KenKaminesky
Ken Kaminesky is a traveler photographer and adventurer. Over the last ten years he has been shooting commercial lifestyle photos for stock photography agencies such as Alamy, Jupiterimages, Corbis and Getty Images. (101,614 followers)
3. Nancy Young – @photodoto
Nancy Young is a beginner photographer, blogger, and CEO. She is a curator of photography blog Photodoto.com which is tagged “Photography is for everyone”. (2,000 followers)
4. Lara Jade – @LaraJade_
Lara Jade is a fashion, advertising, and portrait photographer from London, currently living in New York. She worked for a lot of stand-up clients such as Goldsmiths, Sony Music, P&G, Harper Collins, Panache Lingerie and others. Follow her Twitter feed to take a glance at the life of professional photographer. (51,471 followers)
5. Richard Bernabe – @bernabephoto
Richard Bernabe is a landscape, wildlife, and travel photographer and author from the United States. Among his clients are some giant brands like Canon, Apple, Microsoft, American Express, and others. (100,579 followers)
6. TamaraLackey – @TamaraLackey
Tamara Lackey is a Nikon-sponsored photographer, speaker, and author. Her photography ranges from children portraits to celebrity pictures. She posts inspiring quotes, photography, and helpful tutorials on Twitter. (30,558 followers)
7. Thomas Hawk – @thomashawk
Thomas Hawk is a San Francisco-based photographer who see himself as a “photography factory”. He adds his latest professional photos and Instagram shots taken with an iPhone on Twitter. (47,091 followers)
8. 500PX – @500px
500PX is a premier community for photographers. All the photos placed on the website pass a rigorous selection, so you can be sure that there are the best high-quality shots only. The best photos and blog updates can be found in their Twitter newsfeed. (134,698 followers)
9. Trey Ratcliff – @TreyRatcliff
Trey Ratcliff is a photographer, artist, writer, and adventurer. He’s known for his HDR photography. On his website you can found a lot of tutorials, videos, ebooks, and courses to learn HDR like a Pro. (49,902 followers)
10. Nicole S. Young – @nicolesy
Nicole S. Young is a photographer who lives in Bay Area of California. She is a full-time photographer and writer. Nicole likes to learn, teach, and share different stuff. Follow her Twitter for more interesting facts. (20,798 followers)
11. Rosh Sillars – @RoshSillars
Rosh Sillars is a veteran photographer with a photojournalism background specializing in people, food and interiors. He is an author of 4 books and a great speaker. (14,493 followers)
12. Rick Sammon – @ricksammon
Rick Sammon is not only a photographer and writer, he is also an iPhone application creator. With more than 800,000 followers on Google Plus, Rick is on the top photographers to follow there. (45,195 followers)
13. John Paul Caponigro – @jpcaponigro
Fine art photographer John Paul Caponigro. His photography and articles is a great source of inspiration. (11,616 followers)
14. Jack Hollingsworth – @photojack
Jack Hollingsworth is a lifestyle and iPhone photographer. He was found one of the most influential photographers on Twitter. Follow Jack and you’ll understand why. (46,241 followers)
15. Beate Chelette – @egorhythm
Beate Chelette is a photographer and an author of the book “Happy Woman Happy World”. Her photography career led to where she’s today. (3,277 followers)
16. Joe Mcnally – @JoeMcNallyPhoto
With thirty five years of experience as a shooter, Joe Mcnally is definitely the one worth to follow on Twitter. He works at LIFE. (152,102 followers)
17. Scott Wyden Kivowitz – @scottwyden
Scott Wyden Kivowitz has over 10 years of experience photographing portraits, landscapes and businesses for commercial and personal purposes. (5,699 followers)
18. Peter Lik – @PeterLik
Peter Lik stands at the peak of landscape photography. World-renowned, highly awarded, and boasting a huge international following. (10,919 followers)
19. Jeremy Cowart – @jeremycowart
Jeremy has taken portraits of many familiar names such as Taylor Swift, Tim Tebow, The Kardashians, Sting, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Heidi Klum, Gwyneth Paltrow and many many more. (93,013 followers)
20. Jasmine Star – @jasminestar
Jasmine Star is highly passionate about photography. She shoot weddings and engagements and shares inspiring stuff on her own blog. Jasmine shares a lot of links you’d like to click. (66,277 followers)
The Photo Argus – @thephotoargus
Don’t forget to follow your favourite @ThePhotoArgus! The latest updates from the blog and other useful interesting stuff from all over the world of photography. (19,076 followers)
I hope you like the list of Twitter accounts I shared above and I could make your Twitter experience a little more pleasant and enjoyable.